Predicate >amoDaY

Frameset: f1 "to spend / waiter"

   ARG0: spender
   ARG1: unit of time
   ARG2: spent in


 (S (S (VP (spend/accomplish/finalize+he/it |>amoDaY | أَمْضَى)
	 (NP-TMP (yesterday |>amosi | أَمْسِ))
	 (NP-SBJ (NP (the+ambassador |Als~afiyru | السَّفِيرُ)
		     (the+French |Alfaranosiy~u | الفَرَنْسِيُّ))
		 (NP (Philip/Philippe/Phillippe/Felipe |fiyliyb | فِيلِيب)
		     (Le_Courtier |luwkuwrotiyiyh | لُوكُورْتِيِيه)))
	 (NP-OBJ (day |yawomAF | يَوْماً))
	 (PP-LOC (in |fiy | فِي)
		 (NP (NP (Baalbek |baEolabak~ | بَعْلَبَكّ))
		     (and |wa- | وَ-)
		     (NP (area/zone/territory |-minoTaqati- | -مِنْطَقَتِ-)
			 (its/their/her |-hA | -ها)))))) 

أَمْضَى أَمْسِ السَّفِيرُ الفَرَنْسِيُّ فِيلِيب لُوكُورْتِيِيه يَوْماً فِي بَعْلَبَكّ وَ- -مِنْطَقَتِ- -ها 

ARG0: Als~afiyru Alfaranosiy~u fiyliyb luwkuwrotiyiyh
Gloss: the french ambassador Philippe le courtier
ARG1: yawomAF
Gloss: a day
ARG2: fiy baEolabak~ wa- -minoTaqati- -hA
Gloss: in Baalbek and their territory
ARGM-TMP: >amosi
Gloss: yesterday
REL:  >amoDaY